The selected consultant will run a review of and RFP for plan provider services.
The plan increased its floating rate debt and real estate targets to 20% each in the third quarter.
The plan will look to fill allocations to private equity, global infrastructure and real estate.
The plan is considering rehiring its general investment consultant and selecting a new consultant for its real estate and real assets portfolios.
The plan committed to a new private equity manager last week.
The plan has launched a search for an investment consultant due to the upcoming contract expiration of its incumbent, which is allowed to rebid.
The agency has issued an RFQ seeking investment managers to launch a $50 million venture capital fund targeting startups in a Midwestern state.
The plan is set to review its real estate and global equity portfolios.
The plan committed to a fund jointly managed by its outsourced cio.
The plan selected a new general investment consultant in the fourth quarter following a search initiated earlier in the year.