Searches And Hires

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Northwest Plan Eyes International Equity Mgr. Hires

The plan will consider hiring two international equity managers to handle up to $700 million total this week following a search from last year

Credit/Private Debt
Calif. City Plan Hires Multi-Asset Credit Managers

The plan hired five multi-asset credit managers today as part of its previously approved return-seeking fixed-income structure.

Private Equity
Calif. Plan Makes Private Markets Commitments

The plan made private equity commitments totaling $60 million this week.

Administrator - Bundled
Calif. Authority Retains DC Plan Admin.

The incumbent submitted the sole proposal in response to the authority’s RFQ.  

Great Lakes Plan Taps Small-Cap Core Mgr.

The plan swapped domestic small-cap core equity managers last month following a search by its investment consultant last year.

Credit/Private Debt
New England Plan Begins Opportunistic Fixed-Income Search

The plan is seeking a firm to handle a $15 million mandate and provide uncorrelated returns to both equity and fixed-income markets.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Calif. Plan Terminates Emerging Manager-of-Managers

The plan had more than $430 million in the program at the end of 2022.

Private Equity
Florida Plan Makes Maiden PE Commitment, Secondaries On Deck

The plan made the commitment alongside approving a 3% target to the asset class at today’s board meeting.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Texas Plan To Seek Global Growth Manager

The plan will look for a replacement global growth equity manager after terminating its incumbent this week.

Hedge Funds
West Coast Plan Terminates HF; Nears Int’l SCV Manager Hire

The plan fully redeemed a market-neutral investment and will consider an international small-cap value equity manager hire.
