Searches And Hires

Hedge Funds
Northeast Plan Terminates Hedge Fund Mgr.; Adds Commitments

The plan terminated an approximately $182 million long-only alpha mandate and made commitments to three existing and one new manager relationship in January.

Southern Board To Conduct Investment Consultant Search

The board approved conducting a search for an investment consultant for its more than $2 billion in assets at its meeting in early February.

Southern University System Adds New Small-Cap Mgrs., VC Commitments

The institution hired two domestic small-cap equity managers and added two venture capital commitments with existing managers at a meeting late last week.

Midwest Foundation Wraps Up Search, Selects New Consultant

The foundation has selected a firm to provide non-discretionary investment consultant services for its portfolio following an RFI process launched in the second quarter.

West Coast University Launches Climate-Related Portfolio Reporting Consultant Search

The university has issued an RFP seeking specialized services related to reporting and communication of climate-related disclosures for its endowment and operating pools for an inaugural report.

Credit/Private Debt
Windy City Plan To Add Credit Allocation

New allocation is contingent on full board approval after receiving approval from the investment committee this week.

Private Equity
Calif. Plan Bolstering Private Markets Portfolio

Plan expects to add private equity commitments totaling $60 million following investment committee approval earlier this week.

Alabama Plan Wraps Up Consultant Search

The plan rehired its incumbent general investment consultant following finalist interviews held on Monday.

Asset Study/Review
Colorado Water Plan Mulls New A/A; Adds Real Estate Debt Commitment

The plan considered a new asset allocation last month that would increase its fixed-rate debt target and previously committed to an existing real estate debt manager.

Administrator/Record Keeper
West Coast 457 Plan Makes Record Keeper Switch

The plan hired a new record keeper this week.
