The recently disclosed commitments consist of private equity, private credit and private infrastructure funds.
The pension plan has committed $70 million to a new credit manager relationship.
The district is seeking investment services for its 401(a) and 457(b) plans, which have a combined $7.7 million in assets.
The selected advisor will provide non-discretionary management of plan investments.
The search is for services on behalf of the county’s 457(b), 401(a) hybrid and 401(a) defined contribution plans.
The plan hired two new core-plus fixed-income managers to replace Western Asset Management.
The plan conducted a liquid credit manager search after approving a new asset allocation policy earlier this year.
The pension plan committed $17 million to an existing infrastructure manager relationship last week.
The two manager terminations stem from underperformance, asset outflows and high fees.
The plan also appears to have reissued its private markets consultant RFP.