Searches And Hires

Southern Institution Terminates Public Equity, EME, HF Investments

The institution will come back with a recommendation on how to redeploy the assets from recently terminated public equity and hedge fund managers at a future meeting.

Passive Equity
Calif. Plan Slates Public Markets Passive Mgmt. RFP For OPEB

The plan expects to issue the RFP later this month and make a selection in the third quarter.

New England Plan Considers Private Markets Commitments

The plan also closed on commitments totaling $1 billion.

Southeast Plan Taps U.S. Small-Cap Value Manager

The plan made a U.S. small-cap value equity manager hire at its November board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Healthcare System Conducting A/A Studies; Closing In On Consultant Selection

The healthcare system is currently conducting asset allocation studies for its operating fund and pension plan after receiving an education from its investment consultant on new asset classes including, private equity, private debt and real estate at a November workshop.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western Plan Selects New Program Manager

The plan selected a new program manager as its board meeting this week following a search from late 2022 due to the incumbent provider’s contract expiration.

Administrator - Bundled
Mid-Atlantic County Seeking DC Bundled Provider

The plan is currently administered by Nationwide Retirement Solutions and MissionSquare Retirement.

Private Equity
Florida Plan Makes PE Commitment; Approves Non-Core RE Pacing Plan

The plan will invest $100 million into a private equity fund-of-one over the next five years.

New England Begins Intermediate Bond Mgr. Search

The incumbent manager was first hired in 2015.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Midwest College Issues Investment Manager RFP

The college has commenced a search for an investment manager for a portfolio ranging from $10 million to $20 million.
