Searches And Hires

Calif. Plan Slates General, Private Markets Consultant Search

The plan will issue an RFP for general board investment consulting as well as private debt, private equity, real estate and infrastructure program consulting.

Southwest Plan Receives Active Fixed-Income Search Report

The plan began a search last year to complement its core-plus manager.

Administrator/Record Keeper
New York County 457 Plan Seeking Record Keeper

AIG Retirement Services currently serves as the plan’s record keeper.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Calif. Airport Issues Investment Advisor RFP

Authority is searching for a firm to oversee its $600 million portfolio.

Administrator - Bundled
Southwest 457 Plan Issues Bundled Provider RFP

Plan is seeking a firm to provide record keeping, plan administration and participant services.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
West Coast City Opens Manager Search

City is searching for a firm to manage its $486 million portfolio.

Private Equity
New England Plan Begins PE Search

The search is for pacing purposes and is seeking manager to handle $100 million.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Alaska City Seeking Investment Mgr.

City is searching for a firm to manage its $25 million external investment portfolio.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Midwest Association Seeks Manager For DC Plan

The association is seeking a firm to design, manage and monitor its defined contribution plan.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western College Foundation Issues Investment Mgr. RFP

The foundation is searching for an investment manager for its portfolio as its polices require an open search process for the services every six years.
