Searches And Hires

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Midwest Association Seeks Manager For DC Plan

The association is seeking a firm to design, manage and monitor its defined contribution plan.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western College Foundation Issues Investment Mgr. RFP

The foundation is searching for an investment manager for its portfolio as its polices require an open search process for the services every six years.

New England Treasurer Seeking Consulting Services For 529 Plan

The treasurer’s office is searching for an investment consultant to oversee its 529 program, analyze performance of its direct- and advisor-sold plans and provide an assessment of the risk/reward tradeoff of each investment option from an asset allocation, investment structure and fee perspective.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Pacific Island Institution Searching For Investment Manager

The university is searching for a firm to actively manage its reserve portfolio.

Midwest Tribe Searching For Investment Consultant

The tribe is searching for an investment consultant to review the construction, fee structure and investment policy for its investment portfolio, while also evaluating the responsibilities of its fund managers.

Western Trust Fund Searching For Consultant

The fund is searching for a non-discretionary investment consultant to assist in overseeing its investment management function, developing the investment policy and strengthening the board’s knowledge, skill and investment oversight responsibilities.

Administrator - Bundled
Calif. Authority Posts DC Plan Administration RFQ

The selected firm will serve an initial one-year term beginning Jan. 1.

Searches And Hires
New England Pension Plans Seeking RE, Int’l Equity Mgrs.

The plans are looking to fill real estate and international equity mandates totaling $22.5 million.

Mid-Atlantic OPEB Looking For OCIO

The current provider was first hired in January 2020.

New England Treasurer On Consultant Hunt

The RFP is open to general, real estate and real assets consulting services.
