Airport is searching for a firm to manage its operating and capital funds.
The plan will pick up discussions on private credit next month after making maiden private equity commitments in March.
The plan committed to a buyout fund and an opportunistic real estate fund at its board meeting yesterday.
The plan hired a domestic large-cap value equity manager to replace an all-cap value manager at its May 17 board meeting.
City is searching for a firm to manage its $50 million in operating and capital funds.
The plan is searching for opportunistic and value-add strategies.
The town appears to have restarted a search that first began last year.
Plan expects to conclude a search for general investment consulting services in September.
Plans expect to award a record keeper contract and discuss the potential replacement of an international value equity manager in September.
The plan had moved to a fully passive large-cap allocation in 2020 but general investment consultant Meketa Investment Group sees an opportunity for concentrated active managers.