Searches And Hires

Real Estate
Ohio Plan Makes RE Commitment

The plan committed $50 million to a fund focusing on U.S. industrial warehouse opportunities.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Northeast Plan Seeking Record Keeper

The town is looking to consolidate its record keeping services to one firm.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
West Coast City Opens Advisor Search

City is searching for a firm to help oversee its $382 million portfolio.

Canadian Nonprofits Eye Managers As Part Of ESG Competition

A group of eight Canadian institutional investors is seeking ESG investment managers from across the country to compete to win a portion of a C$75 ($59.8) million mandate as part of an ESG competition.

West Coast Trust To Consider Active Management

The trust fund will consider active management for U.S. small-cap and international developed markets equities.

Midwest Foundation To Conduct Consultant Search

Foundation’s bylaws require the services be put out to bid every five years.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southern School System Seeks Advisor

The system is searching for a firm to manage its other post-employment benefit trust.

Domestic Equity
Florida Plan Pulls Plug On Smid-Cap Value Mgr.

The plan will receive a search report from its general investment consultant next month after opting to terminate its existing manager, which had been on watch for performance since 2019.

Administrator/Record Keeper
West Coast City Seeks Record Keeper

City is searching for a record keeper for three of its deferred compensation plans.

Non-U.S. & Global Fixed-Income
Texas Plan To Review EMD Space     

Plan will review the emerging market debt space due to the volatility and performance of its incumbent.
