Plan expects to restart a search for private equity and real assets consulting services after terminating a first run last month.
A fund in the South has issued an RFP seeking firms to provide closed-end core real estate investment management services.
A New England school district is searching for a firm to conduct performance evaluations of its investment managers.
The plan rehired its outsourced cio, which will target additional real estate and private equity investments this year.
The plan last conducted a consultant search in 2018 that resulted in rehiring its incumbent.
Plan approved the RFP for general investment consulting services at a board meeting last week.
The new allocation range equates to $2.7 billion to $3.3 billion to private equity this year.
A Southwestern conservancy district is searching for a firm to help oversee its $20 million cash portfolio.
Plan will further discuss a fee proposal with at least one firm before making a selection in a general investment consultant search.
The plan approved a total of up to $25 million to two funds at its board meeting today.