Searches And Hires

Real Estate
New England Plan Slates Real Estate RFP; Wraps Up PE Search

The plan expects to issue an RFP for real estate managers this year or early next year.

Passive Equity
Illinois Plan To Issue Passive Equity RFP; DC Plan Hires Record Keeper

The plan is conducting the search after voting to consolidate three existing index portfolios into a Russell 3000 Index.

Administrator - Bundled
Southwest 529 Extends Program Manager RFP Deadline

A 529 plan in the Southwest has extended the deadline for proposals in its search for a program manager for its advisor-sold plan to late October.

Florida Firefighters Plan Issues Mid-Cap Core RFP

The plan is issuing the RFP due to a change in strategy at the incumbent manager.

Northeast County Seeking 457 Plan Consultant

County has issued an RFP for investment consulting services related to its more than $100 million in 457 plan assets.

Hedge Funds
Midwest Plan To Conduct Hedge FoF Search

A Midwestern pension plan will conduct a hedge fund-of-funds manager search.

Searches And Hires
Southeast County Posts Investment Advisor RFP

A Southeastern county is searching for a firm to manage its short- and medium-term investment portfolios.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
West Coast City Posts Investment Advisor RFP

City has issued an RFP due to the impending contract expiration of its incumbent investment advisor.

Searches And Hires
West Coast City Begins Advisor Search

A West Coast city is searching for a firm to manage its operating and capital project funds.

Domestic Equity
Mid-Atlantic Plan Searching For Active Equity Mgrs.

Mid-Atlantic Plan Seeking Active Equity Managers
