Searches And Hires

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Calif. County 457 Eyes Target-Date Fund Mgr. Search

The plan will conduct a target-date fund manager search to potentially replace an existing mandate.

Empire State 457 To Launch Core Fixed-Income RFP

The plan is searching for a firm to handle more than $1.6 billion due to the contract expiration of its incumbent manager.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Midwest 457 Seeking Plan Provider

The city is seeking a plan provider for its voluntary 457 deferred compensation plan.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Northeast City Issues Investment Mgr. RFP

A Pennsylvania city is searching for firms to manage short-term investment funds.

Northeast State Plan Relaunches Secondary Advisor Search

Relaunch is due to disruptions caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
West Coast Plan Conducting Global Equity Search

The plan is searching for a global equity manager after creating the new sub-asset class within its public equity portfolio.

New England Plan Begins EME, Passive Mgr. Searches

The plan issued two RFPs for managers to comply with procurement laws.

Real Estate
New England Plan Seeks Value-Add Real Estate Mgrs.

The search is due to the plan’s underweight to the asset class.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Calif. County To Launch DC TPA Search

The county expects to launch a third-party administrative services search on behalf of its 457(b) deferred compensation and 401(a) defined contribution plans.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Mid-Atlantic Nonprofit Seeks Portfolio Advisor

A nonprofit based in the Mid-Atlantic region is searching for an investment advisor for its portfolio of post-employment benefit accounts, which includes a 403(b) plan and retiree health reimbursement account.
