The institution is searching for an investment manager for its approximately $157 million portfolio.
The systems have issued an RFP seeking to contract with one firm to provide divestment research services for three state divestment laws, which apply to investments in Sudan, Iran and Israel.
An HBCU has issued an RFP seeking investment advisors for its endowment due to the contract expirations of its incumbents.
Search is due to the upcoming contract expiration of the plan’s incumbent investment consultant.
A West Coast city is searching for a firm to manage its reserve investment pool.
The executive director is responsible for the strategic direction of the organization.
The plan has issued an RFP on behalf of itself and five state systems.
A Mid-Atlantic school district is searching for a bundled provider for its 403(b) and 457(b) plans.
The plan reissued an RFP for a consultant to assist with direct investments.
The plan intends to invest $4.8 billion in a passively managed broad-based market index fund.