Plan elected to reissue the consultant RFP prior to finalist interviews in light of ownership changes at its incumbent.
A medical school in the Mid-Atlantic region has issued an RFP seeking a consultant for its 403(b), 457(b) and 401(a) employee retirement plan programs.
A university based in the Midwest has issued an RFP seeking bond advisory services.
A West Coast water district is searching for a firm to manage its investment portfolio.
Corporation is seeking an investment consultant on behalf of several retirement plans.
A Mid-Atlantic port authority is searching for a firm to provide record keeping, plan administration and participant services.
County is seeking a firm to provide investment advisory services
The plan’s incumbent handles both strategies and was first hired in 2014.
The plan has issued its RFP seeking an infrastructure manager to handle approximately $45 million.
A Rocky Mountain board has issued an RFI to consider outsourced cio services for its defined contribution plans.