The plan is looking to invest $10 million in a diversified strategy.
The plan will also soon issue RFPs for international equity and fixed-income managers.
The plan hired launched a private equity manager search and wrapped up another in real estate.
The plan is seeking a single firm to provide consulting on traditional and alternative investments.
A Midwestern county is searching for a firm to oversee a portion of its $240 million in operating and capital funds.
The plan opted to temporarily move to an index fund while a domestic equity structure study is conducted after the firm’s existing manager recently announced significant organizational changes.
Plan is seeking a domestic small- or small- to mid-cap equity manager to fill a recent gap in its emerging manager program stemming from a graduation.
The searches are for non-core managers to handle up to $140 million and private debt managers to handle up to $60 million
The plan will seek a third manager to complement its two incumbent emerging markets equity managers.
The plan has issued an RFP for administrative and record keeping services.