A university based in the Great Plains region approved a new provision in its investment policy to allow the consideration of ESG factors when investing its endowment holdings.
A nonprofit organization in the South has issued an RFP seeking a firm to manage its endowment.
A plan based in a Northern state is offering a new fund option to participants.
A California plan agreed to initiate a real estate search following approval of a new asset allocation policy yesterday.
The plan is seeking credit managers uncorrelated to core fixed-income and equity.
The plan is searching for managers not correlated with the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Index.
The plan has issued its RFP seeking domestic mid-cap growth equity managers to handle roughly $30 million.
The district is searching for an investment consultant behalf of its pension and OPEB Trust.
Retirement plans for a city in the Mid-Atlantic region have issued a general investment consultant RFP.
A plan based in the Pacific Northwest has issued an RFP seeking an investment manager for its cash reserves.