Searches And Hires

Industry News
New York University Searching For CFO

A university in New York is looking to fill its newly created cfo position.

Mid-Atlantic University Outsources Endowment Mgmt.

A university in the Mid-Atlantic region moved to an outsourced cio model from the traditional investment consulting model this summer.

Industry News
Mid-Atlantic University Searching For Investment Analyst

A Mid-Atlantic university is seeking an analyst to join its investment team and assist in the management of its endowment.

Industry News
Midwest Prep School Searches For CFO

Midwestern preparatory is looking for a new cfo to plan, implement and manage its financial operations.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund To Receive AA Study

A fund based in the South will receive an asset allocation study on a sub-portfolio from its general investment consultant next month.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western College Seeks Investment Advisor

A college in the West is seeking an advisor for its endowment and foundation funds due to the contract expiration of its current advisor.

Industry News
New England College Adds Investment Analyst

A college in New England added an investment analyst from an investment manager earlier this year.

Industry News
Midwestern University Seeks Investment Analyst

A university based in the Midwest is looking to fill an empty investment analyst post.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Plan Launches Opportunistic Credit Search

A Midwestern employees pension plan has issued an opportunistic credit manager RFP after increasing its target allocation to private credit last month.

Searches And Hires
Midwest City Seeks Investment Advisor

A Midwestern city is searching for an investment advisor to oversee its $10 million investment portfolio.
