Searches And Hires

Daily Feed
Northeast Plan Issues S&P 500 RFP

The plan issued an RFP seeking a S&P 500 manager that was last conducted in 2014

Searches And Hires
Midwest Plan Begins Equity Searches

A Midwest pension plan has begun searches for U.S. and global growth equity managers as well as international and global equity managers.

Searches And Hires
Ohio City Posts RFQ For Investment Managers

An Ohio city is searching for a firm to manage $200 million in assets from its general portfolio.

Searches And Hires
New England Town Issues Investment Advisor RFP

A town in New England is searching for an investment advisor for its OPEB trust fund.

Searches And Hires
Mid-Atlantic County Seeks Investment Mgr.

A Mid-Atlantic county is searching for a firm to manage its endowment funds.

Searches And Hires
Mid-Atlantic City Seeks Investment Mgr.

A Mid-Atlantic city is searching for a firm to manage its $12 million pension portfolio.

Industry News
Mid-Atlantic Foundation Searching For Investment Analyst

A foundation in the Mid-Atlantic region is searching for an investment analyst to help manage its investment portfolio across asset classes.

Searches And Hires
Gulf Coast Port Authority Seeking Investment Advisor

A port authority on the Gulf Coast is searching for a firm to establish an overall management structure and process for its investment portfolio.

Searches And Hires
Northeast Plan To Issue Large-Cap Core RFP

The plan expects to issue a domestic large-cap core equity manager RFP in the coming weeks.

Searches And Hires
Southeast Utilities Plan Seeking Investment Mgr.

A Southeastern utility is searching for a firm to manage its $47 million portfolio.
