Searches And Hires

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund Considering New AA For Trust Fund Portfolio

A fund based in the South will consider revising the asset allocation for its trust fund this year after receiving an asset allocation from its general investment consultant in the fourth quarter.

West Coast University Searching For Investment Consultant

A university based on the West Coast has issued an investment-related RFP.

Industry News
New England University Searching For Next CIO

A university in New England is searching for a cio to oversee all investment activities related to its multi-billion dollar endowment.

Western 529 Plan Hires New Fixed-Income Manager

A 529 plan based in the West hired a new manager to handle its fixed-income assets in the fourth quarter.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Revises AA

A university in the Midwest updated the target asset allocation for the model portfolio for its long-term portfolio in 2020, increasing its target to private equity.

Midwest Foundation Sticks With Investment Consultant

A foundation based in a Midwestern state has retained its investment consultant following a search from last year.

Southern University Launches Consultant Search

A university based in a Southern state has issued an RFP for an investment consultant for its endowment.

Private Equity
Northeast Plan Narrows PE FoF, EME Searches

The plan will interview finalists for its diverse private equity fund-of-funds search next month and tentatively selected a winner in its emerging markets equity search.

Daily Feed
Midwest Fire Plan Makes Non-Core RE Commitments

The commitments satisfy its 2021 pacing plan.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Northeast State Plan Adopts Diversity Benchmarks

The plan is required to report to state legislature on measures and progress.
