An Ohio city is searching for a firm to manage $200 million in assets from its general portfolio.
A town in New England is searching for an investment advisor for its OPEB trust fund.
A Mid-Atlantic county is searching for a firm to manage its endowment funds.
A Mid-Atlantic city is searching for a firm to manage its $12 million pension portfolio.
A foundation in the Mid-Atlantic region is searching for an investment analyst to help manage its investment portfolio across asset classes.
A port authority on the Gulf Coast is searching for a firm to establish an overall management structure and process for its investment portfolio.
The plan expects to issue a domestic large-cap core equity manager RFP in the coming weeks.
A Southeastern utility is searching for a firm to manage its $47 million portfolio.
A university in Canada has issued an RFP seeking a private equity investment consultant to assist with the management of its operating and endowment funds.
An institute in the Northeast is seeking a firm to provide investment management and advisory services for its investable funds.