Searches And Hires

Searches And Hires
Midwest Housing Plan Posts Investment Advisor RFP

A Midwestern housing plan is searching for a firm to oversee its $100 million in investment reserve balances.

Searches And Hires
Southern College Searching For Consultant

A college in the South has issued an RFP seeking an investment consultant for standard due diligence purposes.

Searches And Hires
Southern University Issues Investment Consultant RFP

A university in the South has issued an RFP seeking an investment consultant to oversee its endowment.

Searches And Hires
Southwest Board Issues Consultant RFP

A board based in the Southwest has issued its RFP for an investment consultant for the state’s college savings plan.

Daily Feed
New England State Plan Searching For Fixed-Income Mgrs.

The selected managers will be part of a new investment option.

Windy City Plan Eyes Large-Cap Value Search

Plan will conduct a search for domestic large-cap value managers in light of organizational changes at an incumbent firm.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
West Coast Water District Seeking OPEB Admin. & Investment Mgmt. Services

A West Coast water district has issued an RFP seeking administrative and investment management services for its OPEB Trust.

Sooner State Plan Posts Opportunistic Fixed-Income Mgr. RFP

The selected manager will handle between $30 million and $50 million.

Rocky Mountain Program Seeking Investment Consultant

A secure savings program in the Rocky Mountain region is seeking an investment consultant.

Private Equity
Northeast Plan Searching For Secondary PE Managers

The plan is looking to invest up to $30 million with a secondary private equity fund manager.
