Searches And Hires

Searches And Hires
Northeast Plan Initiates Long Credit Fixed-Income Search

The plan has begun a search seeking one or more managers to handle active long credit strategies.

Searches And Hires
Northeast Plan Initiates ESG Manager Search

The plan is seeking a firm to manage an allocation to ESG.

Searches And Hires
Southern City Seeks Investment Consultant

A Southern city is searching for a firm to help develop and implement spending and investment policies for a new $110 million operating fund.

Searches And Hires
Rocky Mountain Water District Seeks Investment Advisor

A water district in the Rocky Mountains is searching for a firm to help oversee its $20 million portfolio.

Searches And Hires
West Coast University Eyes Billions To Private Equity In 2021

A university based on the West Coast is looking to commit $3 billion to private equity across its portfolios in 2021 as it looks to reach its target allocations to the asset class in the next five years.

Credit/Private Debt
New England Plan Seeking Direct Lending Manager

The plan is looking to invest $10 million in a diversified strategy.

Empire State Plan Issues Consultant RFP

The plan will also soon issue RFPs for international equity and fixed-income managers.

Private Equity
New England Plan Posts Private Equity RFP

The plan hired launched a private equity manager search and wrapped up another in real estate.

West Coast Plan Begins Investment Consultant Search

The plan is seeking a single firm to provide consulting on traditional and alternative investments.

Searches And Hires
Midwestern County Seeks Investment Advisor

A Midwestern county is searching for a firm to oversee a portion of its $240 million in operating and capital funds.
