Searches And Hires

Searches And Hires
Midwest Foundation Issues Consultant RFP

A foundation based in the Midwest has issued an investment consultant RFP.

Industry News
Midwest College Seeks Finance Head

A college based in a Midwestern state is looking to hire a v.p. of finance and administration.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Midwest University System Seeks Retirement Plan Record Keeper

A Midwest-based university has issued an RFP seeking record keepers for its 403(b) retirement plan.

Real Assets
Midwest Plan Adds New Asset Class; Approves Real Estate Pacing Plan

A Midwestern plan added a new asset class and approved a real estate pacing plan at its investment committee/board meeting today.

Midwest Plan Plots Out Consultant RFP Timeline

A Midwestern fire pension fund will issue its planned general investment consultant RFP on Sept. 8.

Western Education System Selects Retirement Plans Consultant

A Western education system has issued an intent to award notice in its search for an investment consultant for its 401(a), 403(b) and 457(b) plans, which have combined assets of $6.7 billion.

Searches And Hires
Midwest Plan Seeking Senior Secured Loan Mgr.

A Midwestern pension plan has issued an RFP seeking senior secured loan investment managers.

New England Plan Seeks A/A, Benchmark Advisory Services

A New England plan has issued an RFP for asset allocation and benchmark advisory services.

Daily Feed
Florida Plan Makes Int’l Equity Hire

A town pension fund approved a $5 million active international value equity manager hire at its board meeting on Friday.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Plan To Hear Private Credit Mgr. Presentation

A Midwestern plan is expected to hear a private credit manager presentation at an upcoming board meeting.
