Two transportation agencies on the West Coast have retained their investment advisor following an RFP search process.
The plan recently hired a new general investment consultant, which will introduce new asset classes for potential inclusion.
A pension fund on the West Coast has terminated two non-U.S. equity managers and may consider replacement searches next year.
The state plan is putting its $8.3 billion stable value fund option out to bid.
A West Coast 457 plan will conduct a search due to the upcoming contract expiration of its incumbent general investment consultant.
A pension fund in New England made a domestic large-cap value equity hire at a special board meeting today.
A Midwestern pension fund has rehired its general investment consultant over two other finalists following an RFP process.
The search follows the August resignation of Yu “Ben” Meng.
A West Coast city is seeking non-discretionary portfolio advisory services for its separate investment portfolios.
A Northwestern pension plan hired a domestic small-cap value equity manager to replace its terminated mandate with Frontegra Asset Management at yesterday’s board meeting.