Searches And Hires

Private Equity
West Coast Plan Makes PE Commitment

The plan committed to a lower middle market buyout fund this month.

Private Equity
Calif. Plan Bolsters PE, Real Estate Portfolios

A California plan approved private equity and real estate commitments with existing managers at yesterday’s board meeting.

Private Equity
Chicago Plan Slates MWDBE Private Equity RFP

Plan will issue an RFP seeking minority-, women- and disabled-owned private equity managers for a $20 million allocation later this year.

Windy City Plan Launches Consultant RFP

Plan issued an RFP for general investment consulting services following a board meeting held this week.

Domestic Equity
Southern City Adopts New Domestic Equity Structure

The new structure results in three manager terminations.

Searches And Hires
Great Lakes Utilities Plan Seeks Investment Mgr.

A Great Lakes utility plan is searching for a firm to manage portions of its $50 million investment portfolio.

Searches And Hires
New England Town Seeks Investment Manager

A town in New England is searching for a firm to manage its $1.2 million in cemetery, wastewater and healthcare trust funds.

Administrator - Bundled
Midwest DC Program To Conduct TPA Search

A Midwestern deferred compensation program will conduct a third-party administrator search in the first quarter.

Asset Study/Review
New England University Updates Fixed-Income, Real Assets, Int’l Equity Portfolios

A university in New England made changes to its global fixed-income, real assets and international equity portfolios within its endowment in July and October.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund Considering New AA For Trust Fund Portfolio

A fund based in the South will consider revising the asset allocation for its trust fund this year after receiving an asset allocation from its general investment consultant in the fourth quarter.
