Searches And Hires

Daily Feed
Southern Workers Comp Fund Seeking Investment Manager

The search is open to investment advisors and discretionary investment managers.

Searches And Hires
Midwest Sanitation Plan Seeks Investment Advisor

A Midwestern sanitation district is searching for a firm to oversee its $225 million portfolio.

Administrator - Bundled
Mid-Atlantic City & Schools Seeking DC Retirement Plan Services

A Mid-Atlantic city and its school board are seeking a single vendor to provide deferred compensation retirement plan services.

Searches And Hires
Florida Plan Seeking Large-Cap Growth Mgr.

General investment consultant CAPTRUST Financial Advisors will return with three or four candidates to replace an incumbent manager in the coming months.

Searches And Hires
Northeast Plan Posts Large-Cap Equity Mgr. RFP

The plan is searching for domestic large-cap equity managers to handle up to $30 million.

Searches And Hires
New England Plan Launches U.S. Large-Cap Value Mgr. Search

The plan is seeking a domestic large-cap value equity manager to handle roughly $18 million.

Northwest Plan Halts Consultant RFP; To Launch Deputy CIO Search

A Northwestern pension plan extended its contract with its general investment consultant at yesterday’s board meeting and announced that it will launch a deputy cio search.

West Coast Plan Rehires Private Investment Consultants

The plan rehired consultants for its private markets portfolio following a review process.

Administrator - Bundled
West Coast City Posts 457 Bundled Provider RFP

A West Coast city has issued a bundled provider RFP on behalf of its deferred compensation plan and retiree health savings account program.

Northern 529 Plan Adds Equity Funds

A 529 plan in a Northern State has added a large-cap core equity strategy and an emerging markets equity strategy to its lineup of underlying fund options.
