Searches And Hires

West Coast 457 Plan Issues Consultant RFP

A deferred compensation plan on the West Coast has begun a search for an investment consultant.

Daily Feed
Northwest City Hires Investment Consultant

A city in the Pacific Northwest has concluded its investment consultant search.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Plan Approves Credit Commitment; Private Markets Pacing Plan

A Midwestern plan approved a private credit commitment with Raven Capital Management as well as a 2021 private markets pacing plan at its investment committee/board meeting today.

Real Estate
Northeast Plan Makes Value-Add RE Commitment

The commitment marks the plan’s third investment with the manager.

Administrator - Bundled
Northwest Transit Agency Concludes 457 Bundled Provider Search

A Northwestern transit agency has selected Empower Retirement to provide plan administration, record keeping, education and investment-related services for its deferred compensation plan.

New England Plan Goes With Specialist Consultants

The plan will not have a full-time real estate consultant and will save $2 million over a five-year period.

Searches And Hires
West Coast City Seeks Investment Advisor

A West Coast city is searching for a firm to manage its $89 million in operating and capital funds.

Searches And Hires
Mid-Atlantic Utilities Authority Seeks Investment Advisor

A Mid-Atlantic utilities authority is searching for a firm to manage its $107 million investment portfolio.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Plan Adds Liquid Absolute Return Asset Class

A pension fund on the West Coast has added a new asset class as part of a completed asset/liability study.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
New England Plan Interviews International Value Mgrs.

The plan will make a decision after international growth manager interviews next month
