Searches And Hires

Southern Plan Invest In Credit, Non-Core RE Managers

A pension fund in the South will soon invest in credit and non-core real estate managers after adopting new targets to the asset classes.

Midwest Plan Launches Consultant Search

A Midwestern pension plan has issued a general investment consultant RFP after postponing its issuance due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Private Equity
Northwest State Plan Bolsters PE Portfolio; Discloses Commitments

A Northwestern state fund approved a private equity commitment and disclosed additional commitments totaling $1.6 billion at its board meeting yesterday.

Florida Plan To Begin Large-Cap Growth Search

The police and fire pension fund is conducting the search “to see what else is out there” due to underperformance by its current manager.

Domestic Equity
Northwest Deferred Comp Plan Hires New Domestic Equity Mgr.

A Northwestern deferred compensation plan hired a new domestic small-cap value equity manager to replace a terminated firm at a board meeting yesterday.

Southern City Searching For Fixed-Income Mgrs.

A city in the South has begun a search for fixed-income managers to potentially replace two incumbents.

Administrator - Bundled
East Coast County Seeking Deferred Comp Plan Administrator

An East Coast county has issued an RFP for deferred compensation plan administrative services.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Chicago Area Foundation Launches Diverse Manager Initiative

A Chicago-based foundation has launched a diverse investment manager initiative.

Industry News
Great Plains University Foundation Seeking CFO

A university foundation in the Great Plains region is searching for a cfo to assist in the oversight of its investment portfolio.

Credit/Private Debt
Southern Fund Approves Direct Lending Commitments

A fund in the South approved commitments totaling $70 million to two domestic direct lending managers at its board meeting last week.
