Searches And Hires

Administrator - Bundled
Southwest DC Plans Post Administrator RFP

A Southwestern city is seeking administrative services for its 457(b) and 401(a) retirement plans.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Rocky Mountain Town Seeking Deferred Comp Investment Advisor

A town within the Rocky Mountain region has issued an investment advisor RFP for its 401(a) and 457(b) retirement plans.

Mid-Atlantic Plan Swaps Consultants

A county pension fund near the nation’s capital has hired a new investment consultant.

Searches And Hires
Northeast Plan Launches U.S. Small-Cap Value, Passive Index Provider RFPs

A Northeastern pension plan has issued RFPs for domestic small-cap value equity managers as well as a passive index provider.

Credit/Private Debt
Northeast Plan Seeking Opportunistic Credit Managers

A pension fund in the Northeast is seeking opportunistic credit managers.

Asset Study/Review
Fla. Plan To Adopt Credit, Non-Core RE Targets

A Southeastern pension fund will vote next week on a new asset allocation that includes credit and non-core real estate asset classes.

Southern Schools Plan Makes Private Commitments

A state school pension fund in the South has made two private commitments.

Daily Feed
Pacific Northwest Plan Makes Structured Credit Hires

A state plan in the Pacific Northwest has made three structured credit fixed-income manager hires.

Great Lakes Plan Launches Investment Consultant Search

A Great Lakes-based pension plan is searching for general investment consulting services.

Real Estate
West Coast Plan Approves RE Commitment, Pacing Plans

A West Coast pension plan added a real estate commitment and approved pacing plans for its real estate and private markets portfolios at today’s board meeting.
