Searches And Hires

Searches And Hires
Southeast City Seeks Investment Manager

A Southeastern city is searching for a firm to manage its $75 million operating fund.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Plan Adopts New A/A

A Midwestern plan will implement a new long-term asset allocation policy by the second quarter of 2021.

Searches And Hires
New York City Seeks Diversity Director

The city is looking to replace Chavon Sutton, who recently left the Bureau of Asset Management.

Private Equity
Calif. Plan Eyes More Private Equity Commitments

A California-based plan will consider private equity pacing plan that calls for up to $750 million to as many as 18 funds next year.

Administrator - Bundled
Northwest 457 Seeking Plan Administrative Services

A Northwestern 457 deferred compensation plan has issued an RFP for plan administrative services.

Mid-Atlantic Plan Eyes OCIO Search; To Consider New Asset Classes

A $1.1 billion Mid-Atlantic pension plan will run a search to explore the outsourced cio space as a potential alternative to its traditional consulting relationship.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Midwest Plan To Consider Emerging Manager-of-Managers

A Midwest plan will consider hiring an emerging manager-of-managers to increase its emerging manager utilization goal.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Foundation Reviewing Equity Managers As Part Of Allocation Shift

A foundation affiliated with a university in a Southern state is reviewing its equity manager roster as it looks to shift its public equity portfolio toward domestic assets and away from international developed and emerging markets.

Southern University System Adds Public And Private Equity Managers

A university system in the South approved terminating a domestic equity manager and adding domestic and global equity investments and private equity commitments at its investment committee meeting this week.

Searches And Hires
Midwest Trust Fund To Receive Credit, Fixed-Income Recommendations

A trust fund in the Midwest will hear recommendations to add private credit strategies at its December board meeting and new core bond and multi-sector fixed-income managers at its November board meeting.
