Searches And Hires

West Coast County Conducting Small-Cap Value Search

A Calif.-based pension fund is searching for a domestic small-cap value equity manager.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
New England Plan Seeking Emerging Markets Equity Manager

A pension fund in New England has begun a search for an emerging markets equity manager to handle $30 million.

Midwest University Issues Consultant RFP For Retirement Plans

A university based in the Midwest has issued an RFP for a consultant for its retirement plans.

Private Equity
Great Plains Fund Hires PE Manager

A fund based in the Great Plains approved hiring a private equity manager to handle its portfolio in in a fund-of-one strategy at its August board meeting.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Mid-Atlantic Treasury Approves Investment Advisor Rehire

A Mid-Atlantic Treasury rehired its investment advisor at a board meeting last month.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Midwest Health Plan Renews Third-Party Contracts

A health plan based in the Midwest has renewed contracts with its actuarial and investment consultant services provider and its banking and investment services provider.

Absolute Return
Midwest University Adds Absolute Return Manager

A Midwestern university added an absolute return strategy in the first quarter.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Florida City Seeks Investment Manager

A Florida city has issued an RFP seeking investment management services.

Searches And Hires
West Coast Plan Creates Maiden PE, Treasuries Allocations

A West Coast pension fund has created maiden allocations to private equity and U.S. Treasuries.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
West Coast Authority To Negotiate Investment Advisor Contract

A West Coast transit authority will negotiate a contract extension with its existing investment advisor.
