Searches And Hires

West Coast Plan To Consider Global Credit Manager RFP

A West Coast pension fund will consider issuing an RFP for a global credit manager RFP.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Midwest Plan Launches Int’l Small-Cap RFP

A Midwestern plan has launched an RFP for international small-cap equity managers approved earlier this month.

Credit/Private Debt
Calif. County Plan To Add Four Private Debt Investments

A pension fund in California will look to add four private debt investments in the next 12-18 months.

Real Estate
New England Plan Makes RE Hire

A pension fund in New England has made a hire in its value-add real estate search.

New England Plan Adds Private Markets Commitments

A New England pension plan added several private markets commitments at its board meeting today.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Florida Plan Creates Emerging Manager Program

An employees retirement system will create a direct emerging manager program with roughly $25 million.

Administrator - Bundled
Northwest County Seeking 457 Plan Retirement Services

A Northwestern county has issued an RFP seeking retirement services for its 457 deferred compensation plan due to the upcoming contract expiration of its current provider.

Southeast City Seeks Investment Custodian

A city in the Southeast has issued an RFP for an investment custodian for its consolidated investment pool.

Bank Loan
Texas Plan To Fill Bank Loan Allocation

A Texas-based pension plan heard a bank loan allocation as a first step in filling an allocation to the asset class.

Credit/Private Debt
UPDATE: Mass. Plan Issues Opportunistic Credit Manager RFP

A New England pension fund has issued its opportunistic credit manager RFP.
