A New England-based institution is searching for a senior investment analyst to assist in the oversight of its investments.
A Midwestern state fund will interview private equity and private infrastructure managers to handle maiden allocations to each asset class in the coming months.
A foundation in the Midwest is looking for a new president and ceo.
A Northeastern pension plan has issued its RFP seeking domestic large-cap value equity managers.
A Southern state police plan has narrowed its liquid absolute return search to five candidates.
A Southern border city has hired two domestic core fixed-income managers following an asset class review.
A New England city has concluded it search to replace an international equity mandate with Fisher Investments.
A Midwestern pension plan will issue a consultant RFP next month due to the contract expiration of its incumbents next year.
A West Coast pension fund made three private commitments last week.
A pension fund in the Rocky Mountain region has issued an investment consultant RFP.