A Southeastern pension fund will vote next week on a new asset allocation that includes credit and non-core real estate asset classes.
A state school pension fund in the South has made two private commitments.
A state plan in the Pacific Northwest has made three structured credit fixed-income manager hires.
A Great Lakes-based pension plan is searching for general investment consulting services.
A West Coast pension plan added a real estate commitment and approved pacing plans for its real estate and private markets portfolios at today’s board meeting.
A Michigan school district is seeking an investment advisor for its $94 million operating fund.
An investment board on the West Coast has issued an RFP seeking general investment consulting services.
A West Coast pension fund will make changes to its domestic small-cap core equity portfolio that includes liquidating two incumbents.
A Windy City pension plan will post an RFP for international small-cap equity managers next week.
A Calif.-based pension fund is searching for a domestic small-cap value equity manager.