Searches And Hires

Equity Searches And Hires International / Global / Emerging Markets
New England Plan Seeking International Equity Managers

A pension fund in New England has issued an RFQ seeking international equity managers.

Daily Feed
Southern Transit Pension Fund Issues Investment Mgr. RFP

A Southern-based transit authority is searching for investment management services on behalf of its pension fund.

Administrator - Bundled
Northeast Town Issues Deferred Comp RFP

A deferred compensation plan in the Northeast has issued an RFP seeking deferred compensation plan provider services

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Midwest Plan Rehires General Investment Consultant

A city pension fund in the Midwest region has rehired its general investment consultant.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Western Plan Prepares Record Keeper RFP

A West Coast-based plan is preparing to release a record keeper RFP.

Industry News
Pennsylvania Foundation Searching For Investment Analyst

A foundation based in Pennsylvania is looking to hire an investment analyst.

Searches And Hires
Midwestern University Seeks Investment Staffers

A university based in the Midwest is searching for five investment staff members.

Manager Adds New ESG Risk Strategy

Asset manager has added a new ESG strategy to its offerings.

Searches And Hires
Western Foundation Searching For Managing Director

A Western foundation is searching for a managing director to assist in the oversight and management of its investment portfolio.

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Mid-Atlantic 529 Plan Wraps Up Consultant Search

A Mid-Atlantic 529 plan has wrapped up its search for a general investment consultant that began last year.
