Searches And Hires

Midwest College Seeks Retirement Plan Consultant

The college is seeking a retirement consultant that can assist in providing regular objective, third-party advisory and consulting services regarding its 401(a), 403b and 457 retirement plans.

Daily Feed
Northeast Pension Begins Emerging Markets Equity Search

The plan’s sole emerging markets equity manager was first hired in 2017.

New England Plan Wraps Up Investment Consultant, Industry Advisor Search

The state authority has selected an investment consultant and industry advisor for its college savings plan after conducting a search earlier this year due to a statutory requirement.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Midwest College Savings Program Adds Small-Cap Value Fund; Rehires Investment Consultant

The program approved the addition of a new small-cap value fund to replace an existing strategy within a lineup of underlying fund managers and rehired its investment consultant for a three-year term.

Real Estate
Midwest Pension To Liquidate Real Estate Fund

The plan made the decision in closed session of its August board meeting.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Sooner State Pension Issues Int’l Equity RFP

The retirement system is seeking an international growth equity manager to handle $200 million.

New England Pension Seeking Core-Plus Fixed-Income Manager

The plan’s current manager has been under scrutiny due to organizational and personnel changes.

Asset Study/Review
Mid-Atlantic Pension Adopts New Strategic Asset Allocation

The plan last conducted an asset/liability study 18 years ago.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Pension Begins Maiden Private Credit Search

The plan is looking to create a broadly diversified private credit portfolio.

Southern Teachers Approves Commitment, Redemption

The plan made a private equity commitment and approved a hedge fund redemption at today’s board meeting.
