Searches And Hires

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
West Coast 457 Plan Issues Plan Consultant RFP

A 457 Plan in the West Coast has begun a search for a plan consultant.

Searches And Hires Emerging/Diverse Managers Passive Equity
Northeast State Plan Readies Emerging Manager Program RFP

A Northeastern state plan expects to issue its RFP for emerging managers-of-managers next week.

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
New England Plan Seeking Pension Fund Investment Consultant

A New England pension fund is searching for an investment consultant to perform a portfolio and strategy review.

Daily Feed
West Coast City Concludes Investment Advisor Search

A city on the West Coast has concluded its investment advisor search.

Administrator - Bundled
Northeast County Seeking 457 Plan Bundled Provider

A Northeastern county is seeking a bundled provider for its 457 deferred compensation plan.

Real Estate Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
New England Plan Issues Real Estate, Timberland Consultant RFP

A New England plan has issued its real estate and timberland consultant RFP.

Searches And Hires
Midwest Plan Names Emerging Manager-of-Managers Finalists

A pension fund in the Midwest will interview two finalists in its emerging manager-of-managers search this week.

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Mid-Atlantic County Plan Posts Consultant RFP

A Mid-Atlantic county pension plan has posted a general investment consultant RFP.

Searches And Hires
Midwest Plan Launches Emerging Market Debt Search

A Midwestern pension plan has issued an RFP seeking emerging market debt managers.

Daily Feed
D.C. Area Retirement Plans Seeking Record Keeper

An airport authority in our nation’s capital has begun a search for a record keeper.
