A city pension fund in the Northeast will issue an RFP seeking emerging markets equity managers.
A Florida city has issued an RFP for investment advisory services.
A Southwestern firefighters’ pension plan replaced two fixed-income managers at its board meeting today.
A West Coast 457 plan has begun its search for multiple investment managers to handle its $4.4 billion investment options menu.
A Louisiana-based pension plan will review a draft RFP for emerging managers-of-managers at its board meeting next week.
A Canadian pension fund has begun a search for investment consulting services
A Canadian insurance exchange has issued an RFP seeking investment management and custodial services.
A West Cost plan today issued its RFPs for private market consultants.
A 457 plan in the West Coast hired a replacement domestic small-cap growth equity manager for incumbent Elk Creek Partners.
The school board of a Florida county has begun a search for an investment advisor.