A West Coast city issued an investment advisor RFP for its deferred compensation and retiree health plans.
A Northeastern pension fund has begun a search for non-core real estate managers approved earlier this week.
A city pension fund on the West Coast will issue RFPs for private equity, private credit and private markets reporting consulting services.
A Southern city pension fund approved two private equity fund-of-funds commitments today.
A Florida pension plan replaced its global fixed-income manager at yesterday’s board meeting.
A university based in a Southern state has issued an RFP for an investment advisor for its retirement plans.
A Midwestern retirement plan has issued an RFP seeking a plan administrator.
A state treasury department in the South has issued an RFP seeking general investment consulting services.
An outsourced cio based in the South is searching for an investment officer and investment analyst following the recent departure of an investment director.
A New England-based university approved two private equity commitments at its investment committee meeting last month.