Searches And Hires

Searches And Hires
Western Public School Fund Seeks High-Yield, Preferred Securities Mgrs.

A Western public school fund  has issued RFPs seeking a high-yield fixed-income manager and a firm to provide preferred securities investment management services within its endowment.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Midwest University Foundation Seeks Advisor For New Donor Fund

A Midwestern university foundation has issued an RFP seeking a firm to manage a donor-advised fund.

Midwest University Begins ESG-Policy Review

A university in the Midwest has started a review of its ESG policies for current and prospective investment managers.

Searches And Hires Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Oregon City Issues Investment Management Services RFP

An Oregon city issued an RFP for investment management services today.

Florida Plan Monitoring Large-Cap Value Manager

A Florida-based general employees retirement plan is monitoring its domestic large-cap value equity manager due to performance concerns.

Southwest Plan Makes Private Commitments

A state pension fund in the Southwest has made a slew of private commitments.

Searches And Hires
Michigan Plan Slates Custodial Bank RFP

A Michigan pension plan approved an RFP for custodial bank services this week.

COVID-19 News
Michigan Plan Eyes Fixed-Income Mgr. Search

A Michigan police and fire plan may conduct a fixed-income manager search within the next month.

Daily Feed
Pacific Northwest Plan Issues Investment Advisor RFP

A pension plan in the Pacific Northwest has begun a search for an investment advisor for its defined benefit plan.

Searches And Hires
Midwest Plan To Issue Opportunistic Credit RFP

A Midwestern pension plan will issue an RFP seeking a firm to take advantage of the credit dislocation in the market.
