A Texas 457 plan has issued an RFP for administrative record keeping and investment services.
A New England plan has named finalists in its private equity fund-of-funds search and concluded its fixed-income search
A Southern pension fund will conduct a domestic large-cap core equity search due to the closure of its existing manager.
An Oregon city rehired its investment manager following an RFP process.
An Eastern state plan received a private equity investment recommendation at a committee meeting this week.
A Midwestern plan hired an existing private equity manager for a new allocation at its board meeting today.
A Great Lakes employees retirement system is seeking emerging markets equity managers to handle up to $200 million and is conducting research into opportunities in the international developed markets space.
A West Coast-based pension plan has selected three finalists in its domestic core fixed-income manager search.
A pension fund in the Northeast is searching for a value-add real estate manager to handle $10 million.
A county pension fund in the mid-Atlantic is conducting an emerging markets equity manager replacement search.