An Ohio deferred compensation plan is monitoring two fixed-income managers.
A pension fund in the Midwest hired a private equity strategic partner to manage a 2% allocation at a board meeting today.
A Florida general employees retirement system made $10 million in private credit commitments at its board meeting today and will hear from two additional managers at its June meeting.
A Midwestern plan approved a real estate commitment at its board meeting today.
A New England plan has begun a search for non-core real estate managers to handle up to $20 million.
A Western college foundation is seeking investment management services for its restricted and unrestricted investments.
A Mid-Atlantic school board has issued an RFP for retirement plan consulting services for its deferred compensation plans.
A Southern firefighters plan named finalists it its large-cap value manager replacement search at a meeting today.
A Midwestern deferred compensation plan hired a passive manager at its board meeting today.
A Midwestern plan will hear a private equity manager presentation at its next board meeting.