A New England plan has approved emerging market debt hires and is considering private investments.
A Northwestern 457 plan has launched a search for plan administration, record keeping, education and investment management services.
A Northeastern pension plan expects to issue two RFPs for domestic equity managers in the next few months.
A New England pension fund has made a private equity commitment to an existing manager.
A California county pension plan will discuss issuing a real estate consultant RFP at a committee meeting this week.
A Colorado city and county has concluded its investment management and advisory services RFP search.
A Pacific Northwest plan has begun a search for a diversifying strategies portfolio consultant search.
A Midwestern employees’ pension plan is seeking an investment consultant for its defined contribution plans.
A New England county plan has begun its searches for real estate and infrastructure managers.
A Mid-Atlantic nonprofit is searching for a director of investments to assist in the day-to-day oversight, management and monitoring of its assets.