Searches And Hires

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Oregon City Rehires Investment Manager

An Oregon city rehired its investment manager following an RFP process.

Private Equity
Eastern Plan Considers PE Commitment

An Eastern state plan received a private equity investment recommendation at a committee meeting this week.

Private Equity
Midwest Plan Taps PE Mgr. For New Allocation

A Midwestern plan hired an existing private equity manager for a new allocation at its board meeting today. 

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Great Lakes Plan Seeking Emerging Markets Equity Mgrs., Researching Int’l Developed Markets

A Great Lakes employees retirement system is seeking emerging markets equity managers to handle up to $200 million and is conducting research into opportunities in the international developed markets space.

West Coast Plan Narrows Core Bond Search To Finalists

A West Coast-based pension plan has selected three finalists in its domestic core fixed-income manager search.

Daily Feed
New England Plan Issues Value-Add Real Estate RFP

A pension fund in the Northeast is searching for a value-add real estate manager to handle $10 million.

Daily Feed
Mid-Atlantic County Pension Conducting Emerging Markets Equity Search

A county pension fund in the mid-Atlantic is conducting an emerging markets equity manager replacement search.

Credit/Private Debt
New England University Makes Credit Commitment; Extends Consultant Contract

A New England-based university made a private credit commitment and extended its investment consultant’s contract at a meeting last month.

Industry News
Midwest University Searches For Finance Head

A university based in the Midwest is looking to fill its v.p. of fiscal affairs and cfo position.

Daily Feed
Mid-Atlantic Foundation Searching For Mission-Related Investment Director

A Mid-Atlantic foundation is searching for a director of investments for its mission-related investments as well as an investment associate.
