A Michigan pension plan approved an RFP for custodial bank services this week.
A Michigan police and fire plan may conduct a fixed-income manager search within the next month.
A pension plan in the Pacific Northwest has begun a search for an investment advisor for its defined benefit plan.
A Midwestern pension plan will issue an RFP seeking a firm to take advantage of the credit dislocation in the market.
An Ohio-based fund expects to issue a general investment consultant RFP later this year due to the contract expiration of its incumbent.
A Canadian foundation has issued an RFP seeking an outsourced cio for a new government-funded investment pool.
A college system based in the Midwest has issued an RFP seeking a discretionary investment advisor.
A Texas-based utility authority issued an RFP for investment advisor services this week.
A New England pension plan has begun a distressed debt manager search
A New England pension plan has named finalists in its emerging market debt manager search.