Searches And Hires

Searches And Hires
Mid-Atlantic 529 Program Searching For Investment Consultant

A Mid-Atlantic 529 program has issued an RFP seeking an investment consultant.

Real Estate Alternatives Searches And Hires
Midwest Plan Issues Private Markets Consultant RFP

A Midwest state plan has issued an RFP seeking private markets consultants.

Absolute Return
West Coast Plan Makes Alternatives Redemption, Commitment

A West Coast county plan approved one redemption and one commitment in March.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southwest Transit Authority Posts Investment Advisor RFP

A Southwestern transportation authority has issued an investment advisory services RFP on behalf of its retirement plans.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Mid-Atlantic County Hires New TPA

A county deferred compensation plan in the Mid-Atlantic region has concluded its TPA search.

Florida Pension Concerned With Large-Cap Value Manager

A general employees pension fund in Florida is concerned with the “significant underperformance” of its domestic large-cap value equity manager.

Searches And Hires
U.S. Territory Plan Cancels U.S. Small-Cap, Int’l Equity RFPs

A U.S. territory plan has canceled its RFPs seeking domestic small-cap and international equity managers due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Small-Cap Equity Searches And Hires
Missouri Plan Seeking New Int’l Small-Cap Manager

A Missouri-based pension plan is looking to replace its current international small-cap equity manager.

Private Equity
New England Plan Issues Private Equity FoF RFP

A New England pension plan has issued an RFP for private equity fund-of-funds managers.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Fund Approves New Asset Allocation

A Midwestern fund approved a new target asset allocations at its April board meeting.
