Searches And Hires

Private Equity
New England Plan Issues Private Equity FoF RFP

A New England pension plan has issued an RFP for private equity fund-of-funds managers.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Fund Approves New Asset Allocation

A Midwestern fund approved a new target asset allocations at its April board meeting.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
New York Nonprofit Looks To Invest In Women- And Diverse-Owned Managers

A New York-based nonprofit is looking to invest a portion of its endowment with firms majority-owned by women and/or people of color.

Western College Savings Plan Wraps Up Investment Consultant, 529 Industry Consultant Searches

A Western college savings plan wrapped up its searches for investment consulting and 529 industry consulting services last month.

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Northwest City Rehires Investment Advisor

A Pacific Northwest city has rehired its investment advisor

Industry News
Nebraska Hospital System Hires Finance Head

A Nebraska hospital system has hired a new head of its financial staff.

Midwestern Foundation Adds Equity, Affordable Housing Investments

A foundation based in the Midwest has added equity and affordable housing strategies to its portfolios.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Trust Fund Adds New Asset Classes To IPS

A Southern trust fund formally added two new asset classes to its investment policy statement in the fourth quarter.

Southern 529 Plan Slated To Consider Fixed-Income Manager Replacement Recommendation

A Southern 529 plan was slated to review potential replacement recommendations for a fixed-income manager at its first quarter board meeting.

Industry News
Alaska College Seeks CFO

An Alaska-based college is looking to hire a cfo.
