A town in the Northeast has canceled its 457 plan administration and investment management services RFP due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A West Coast county 457 plan has hired Nationwide Retirement Solutions as its sole record keeper.
A pension fund in the Northeast has hired an outsourced cio.
A New England pension plan hired a new international value equity manager last week.
A West Coast city hired a new investment advisor for its operating fund.
A Mid-Atlantic State Treasury has issued its RFP seeking investment advisory services for its endowment and liquidity and reserve funds.
A Southern trust fund will interview finalists in its real estate debt manager search at its June board meeting.
A Mid-Atlantic foundation is searching for an investment analyst to support the investment team in the management of endowment.
A New York nonprofit is searching for an investment staffer to assist in the oversight and management of its investment portfolio.
A Southern education system recently made private equity fund-of-funds and real estate commitments.