Searches And Hires

Western University Holding Liquidity, Eyeing Investment Opportunities

A Western university is seeking investment opportunities as it sits on a significant pile of cash across its portfolios.

Searches And Hires
Western University Foundation Seeks Director Of Finance

A Western university foundation is searching for a director of finance and accounting to assist in the oversight and management of its assets.

Private Equity
Southern University To Consider PE Commitment; Non-Endowed Rebalancing

A Southern university will consider a private equity recommendation in its endowment and rebalancing in its non-endowed liquidity pool at its meeting today.

Hedge Funds
Southern Plan Hires L/S Mgrs.; Narrows Absolute Return Search

A southern police plan has hired 2 long/short managers at a board meeting today.

Alternatives Equity Credit/Private Debt
New England Plan Names Int’l LCG Finalists; Makes Distressed Debt Commitment

A city pension fund in New England named finalists in its international large-cap equity manager search and made a distressed debt commitment at a meeting today.

Ohio DC Plan Monitors Fixed-Income Mgrs.

An Ohio deferred compensation plan is monitoring two fixed-income managers.

Daily Feed
Midwest Plan Makes PE Strategic Partner Hire

A pension fund in the Midwest hired a private equity strategic partner to manage a 2% allocation at a board meeting today.

Credit/Private Debt
Florida Plan Makes Private Credit Commitments

A Florida general employees retirement system made $10 million in private credit commitments at its board meeting today and will hear from two additional managers at its June meeting.

Real Estate
Midwest Plan Bolsters Real Estate Portfolio

A Midwestern plan approved a real estate commitment at its board meeting today.

Real Estate
New England Plan Seeking Non-Core RE Managers

A New England plan has begun a search for non-core real estate managers to handle up to $20 million.
