A state pension fund in the Northeast has postponed the release of its emerging manager-of-managers RFP.
An Ohio deferred compensation plan hired three active international equity managers and appointed an interim executive director.
A Southwestern state pension fund made three private markets commitments.
A Midwestern public safety plan is scheduled to review a fixed-income RFP next week.
A college foundation based in New England has shifted its endowment to ESG funds.
A New York-based foundation added a domestic real estate strategy to its $1.2 billion investment pool last year.
A Mid-Atlantic university is searching for a director of investments to assist with managing overall portfolio allocation and risk.
A Southern university is searching for an investment analyst to assist in all stages of its investment process.
A Great Lakes city has issued an RFP seeking investment services for its cemetery and OPEB funds.
A Midwestern university is looking to hire an investment operations director.